

A Less Than Secret Master Plan to Not So Singlehandedly Save the World


In a world that often reduces complex issues to simplistic soundbites, it's become increasingly challenging to have meaningful conversations about our collective future. We're living in a time when binary thinking prevails, where matters are framed as either "good" or "bad," leaving little room for the intricate shades of gray that more often define reality. It's clear that we need a fresh approach, a way to navigate the nuances of our choices, and intentionally design a better future that serves everyone. I'd like to help with that.

The Crux of the Problem

The journey begins by acknowledging our inherent struggle with foresight. Throughout history, we've learned through trial and error, a process that often involved swinging between extremes. We'd stumble upon something "bad", and in an effort to avoid it move in the opposite direction and call that thing "good"... until we got too much of that "good" thing, at which point it becomes "bad" and the pendulum swings. However, in our modern world, we're dealing with issues so monumental that learning from mistakes may be catastrophic. We must confront the consequences of our actions before they become irreversible. How?

Breaking Free from Binary Thinking

Our tendency toward black-and-white thinking is exacerbated by our own evolutionary predispositions as well as several entrenched systems. These encourage oversimplification and paint issues in broad strokes. It's time to move beyond this binary mindset and embrace the subtleties that shape our complex world. We have to evolve beyond considering things as "Good" and "Bad". We can do that in a way that breaks complex topics down in simple and approachable ways that avoid bipolarization.

The Role of Nuance in Progress

For example, in my experience running Yoko Co our motto has been "Do Good. Better." As a team we're all investing a significant amount of our lives to help magnify the impact our clients have on the world. As such, one of our policies enables anyone to veto a client they don't think is doing "Good". This tends to encourage open, thoughtful, philosophical debates about what constitutes "Good". We've often discuss the tradeoffs inherent within the realms of healthcare, education, sustainability, logistics, and more, which force us to confront the delicate balance between good and bad.

Expanding the Conversation

And while these conversations are great to have within our team, they're the kind of conversations we need to be having societally. On our team, it's relatively easy - everyone is heavily invested in how they spend their time. Outside we're all members of society, but we're not all equally invested. Which means to have this conversation more widely, we need to find ways break down complex topics into content that is interesting enough to stand out in a wildly distracting world, without falling into the same trap most media does, and boiling things down into "good" or (mostly) "bad" for the rage clicks. To achieve this, I'm working to refine my skills as a writer, speaker, and producer to contribute thought-provoking content to reputable outlets. This is not about inflating audience numbers, but about engaging in genuine dialogue.

Charting the Path Forward

Ultimately, I aspire to partner with media outlets to create a series that defines "Good" in various fields. Each installment will dissect complex issues, including their overlaps, contradictions, and trade-offs. Together, we'll collaborate with experts and those impacted to ask challenging questions and seek definitive answers.

Building a Model for Understanding

As we explore these topics, I'm also striving to develop and refine a model that helps individuals navigate the compromises inherent in defining "Good." This model will pave the way for more substantial discussions by serving as a simplified way to break down and visualize these incredibly complex and nuanced topics. I've always been a huge book nerd, and sharing this information in a book would be a dream come true. That said, I want to explore a lot of mediums and engage with people in the way they find most meaningful.

Addressing Societal Challenges

My primary objective is to share this information to empower people to pause, contemplate, and make their own intentional choices. My hope, beyond this, is that we also identify meaningful actions we can all take to bring this more ideal world from imagination into reality. There are formidable obstacles we must overcome to make this possible. I aim to share how we can work together to address these deeply entrenched systems and put us on a more utopian path.

A Collective Vision

So... that's why I'm here. To educate and inform people, to encourage dialogue and understanding. To unambiguously define “Good”, if I may be so bold. It isn't something I can do alone, it's something we have to do together. If you're reading this, I hope you'll consider joining me. I'll share updates and new articles with anyone who shares their email address in the box below. Or, if you have something else in mind, please do Get In Touch.

Shaping a Better Future

It isn't going to be a short journey, and while it is going to be challenging I believe it to be incredibly worthwhile. I can think of no better way to invest my life than in the pursuit of helping us both build, and experience, a better world. For ourselves. For our children. For the descendants we'll never meet. And, far enough down the road, for beings who will never know our names.

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Chris Yoko

“However, I continue to try and I continue, indefatigably, to reach out. There’s no way I can single-handedly save the world, or perhaps, even make a perceptible difference… but how ashamed I would be to let a day pass without making one more effort.” - Isaac Asimov

© 2023 Chris Yoko - All rights reserved

Chris Yoko

“However, I continue to try and I continue, indefatigably, to reach out. There’s no way I can single-handedly save the world, or perhaps, even make a perceptible difference… but how ashamed I would be to let a day pass without making one more effort.” - Isaac Asimov

© 2023 Chris Yoko - All rights reserved

Chris Yoko

“However, I continue to try and I continue, indefatigably, to reach out. There’s no way I can single-handedly save the world, or perhaps, even make a perceptible difference… but how ashamed I would be to let a day pass without making one more effort.” - Isaac Asimov

© 2023 Chris Yoko - All rights reserved